Ofsted Report

What Ofsted said about Oak House
We were rated an Outstanding Nursery in January 2023. here’s a summary of key findings for parents. The nursery prides itself on continuous improvement. We are involved in a Self Review Cycle and produce a Self Evaluation & Raising Achievement Plan.
This provision is outstanding:
All children receive the highest levels of care and support from a skilled and dedicated staff team. Children are happy and secure as they form strong attachments to their key person. Staff tailor the stimulating and engaging curriculum around children’s individual needs, and as a result, all children thrive and make exceptional progress in their learning and development. They show excitement and curiosity, as they confidently explore the broad range of activities and experiences available to them. For example, in the forest school area, older children delight in using their senses and observational skills when searching for patterns and minibeasts. On discovering a snail trail a child exclaims, ‘this might be a clue, the trail might lead us to other creatures’.
The group remain enthralled and fascinated in the awe and wonder by the natural world as they continue their search.
The calm and well-organised environment draws children in and encourages them to actively engage in their learning. Children learn from an early age to be independent as they are fully encouraged to make choices and are given time to explore and practise key skills. For example, when engaging in sensory play, babies smile and gurgle as they select and explore different brushes.
Responsive staff engage babies in purposeful play to develop their physical skills and support their communication development. They say and repeat words clearly to develop early vocabulary, model actions such as hair brushing that the babies copy and spontaneously include games and songs to further enhance their enjoyment.
Excellent foundations are laid to ensure each child’s future success.
Overall effectiveness Outstanding The quality of education Outstanding Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding Personal development Outstanding Leadership and management Outstanding Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding