Our Policies
General Information
Age of attendance: Oak House offers education and care for children from 0 – 5 year olds
Opening Times: Monday to Friday 8am – 5:30pm
Early / late sessions subject to availability from 7:30am until 5:45pm.
Early / late care: We offer a small number of Early / Late Care places which must be booked in advance, the current charge for this shown on our fees.
Late Collection: A charge of £5 per 5 minutes is made for children collected late
Holidays: The nursery will be closed on the following occasions:
Statutory Bank Holidays
Christmas to New Year
The week following from the August bank holiday
Our fees are reviewed at least annually in order that we may take into consideration any regulatory, legislative or other external affects imposed by external bodies or other prevailing economic conditions outside our control. Not included in our provision is the supply of nappies, nappy cream or formula milk.
Our current fees are available in the Welcome Pack separate to these Terms and Conditions this will be made available at point of enquiry to ensure you are made aware of any foreseeable changes that could affect our charges in the short term. It is our policy to fix our rates for a period of 12 months and this will be made clear on your invoice although we retain the right to adjust these should any economic conditions as identified above prevail. Any need on our behalf to make sure changes will be notified to you at least 1 month in advance.
Full day rate: Full day session including morning snack, two course healthy lunch and afternoon tea.
Short day rate: 8:30am – 4pm includes morning and snack and two course healthy lunch.
Early drop off rate: Currently 15mins earlier than scheduled opening time – to be booked in advance.
Late Collection Rate: 15 minutes later than closing time.
Early Years Free Entitlement
Oak House currently operates the Derby City’s Free Entitlement scheme for qualifying children. How we implement our fee structure is explained within our latest issued price list fees since this is determined by the level of funding we receive from Derby City Council it is liable to any changes they desire to implement.
Any changes to Council funding that may affect sessions you have booked will be advised with a month’s notice. These places are subject to availability and are reviewed on termly basis.
Booking form
A booking form should be completed and sent before a child can be considered for a place. Fees are payable CALENDAR MONTHLY in advance, based on the number of regular sessions booked per week. Monthly fees are calculated for the year by multiplying by 50 and dividing by 12 months. This amount is then payable on the first day of each month (the due date) by Standing Order or Direct Debit. Late Payment of fees (after 5th of the month) will incur a late payment surcharge. The fees you pay are to reserve a place for your child at the nursery and are payable irrespective of illness, holidays or non-attendance or for any other reason and are non-transferable.
Please note there is a minimum attendance of two sessions per week. We operate on a 50 week year with an allowance for Christmas and summer closures.
Change of sessions
One months notice is required if you wish to decrease your child’s sessions or no longer require your child’s place. If insufficient notice is given, a full charge will be made for cancelled sessions. If an increase to your child’s sessions or change of days is required this will be arranged as soon as there is a vacancy. Sessions and missed sessions are not transferable.
Please supply a change of clothes for your child in a bag which includes socks and underwear.
It would be helpful if your child’s name / initials are written on the label inside items of clothing. We cannot be held responsible for any missing items.
Medicine Consent Form
We can only give medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. Parents/Carers are required to sign a medicine consent form before any medication can be given to a child. We will not give these medicines routinely or if the cause of pain or ill health is not known or it has not been previously administered by a parent due to allergic reactions. We would ask that antibiotics are given for 24hours before your child attend the nursery.
Please refer to our full medicine policy.
The nursery reserves the right to temporarily exclude a child in the event of illness. In the case of sickness and diarrhoea we will ask you to keep your child at home for 48 hours for the well being of other children and staff. Exclusion periods are displayed on the Parent’s Notice Board. We would appreciate a telephone call to let us know if your child is unable to attend or an email.
If you are not sure that your child is well enough to attend the please consider the health of the other children and the staff team when making a decision. If in doubt please talk to us.
Health Records
The nursery requires parents/ carers to complete a health details for their child. The nursery will require emergency contact names and medical information regarding allergies, dietary or special requirements. Immunisation is a condition of entrance, unless otherwise stated by the child’s GP. Immunisation records must be updated regularly. If your child has not been immunised please speak to us about your reasons for this.
Please ensure all contact details are kept up to date as there may be occasions where by we need to contact you in an emergency.
Accident Procedure / First Aid
The nursery reserves the right to administer basic First Aid treatments where necessary. Parents will be informed of all accidents and an accident form will be completed and you will be asked for a signature to confirm this.
All Oak House staff are Paediatric First Aid trained.
For accidents of a more serious nature involving hospital treatment, all attempts will be made to contact parents, but failing this, the nursery will provide consent to act on behalf of the parents and authorise any necessary treatment. Remember to notify the nursery if your child changes GP, develops an allergy or has more immunisation/vaccinations. This information will help us in an emergency.
Visits out of the nursery
Consent for children to be included in these outings must be authorised by the parent/carer.
Access to information
All information concerning each child is kept on a personal file. This information is confidential but is open to inspection by parents of the child concerned. Some records may be kept on computer, these will also be available for inspection on request.
Nursery policies
Copies of all the nursery policies and procedures are available for inspection in the reception area, we would ask parents to take the time to read these policies, please ask a staff member if you need to look at any specific ones.
Oak House takes the safeguarding of children very seriously. Please note we will not allow your child to leave the nursery with any person not known to us unless previously arranged by the parent/carer.
The use of mobile phones are not allowed within the nursery building.
We will always ask you about existing injuries your child may present with. We will ask for you to sign an external injury form, acknowledging that your child sustained this injury whilst away from the nursery.
To ensure that your child is safe, whilst in our care, we have a safe recruitment policy. This means that all staff will have an up to date DBS, they must provide two forms of identification and will have two references, one from a current employer. All staff have a 3 month probation period, during which they are supported and trained. Staff must prove competency in the role during this time to be offered a permanent post.
Security: The door to the nursery is always locked and we operate a code system which will be given on your child’s admission. Please do not open the door to anyone and make sure you close the door and the nursery gates on the stairs.
If your child is unable to attend a pre-booked session, please call or email us to let us know and when they are next expected in. If your child leaves the nursery we will ask you to provide us with details about the next setting your child will attend. We will do this so that we can share information about your child’s learning and development.
View our Safeguarding Policy here
Managing Behaviour
The nursery uses a number of strategies to support children to manage their feelings and behaviours. One of the ways in which we do this is to offer children the opportunity to talk about feelings and emotions. We understand that by adopting positive approaches provides valuable opportunities to learn life skills.
Promoting British Values
The nursery has a statutory duty to promote British values such as democracy, rule of law, respect for other lifestyles, cultures and faith. Children will be introduced to these within their learning in age appropriate ways.
Children will not be told what to believe but will be told about other beliefs and values. Children will learn about other countries and the lives of others. They will be included in activities to promote, decision making, making choices, self confidence and self esteem. All these will be part of the nursery activities on a day to day basis.
Reserving your place
A non-refundable security fee of £100 is required to reserve a place for your child to cover processing of your application documents and other associated administrative costs.