About Us

At Oak House Nursery we believe that each child is unique.
Our approach to child care is based on an all round knowledge of child development.
Supporting and encouraging personal, social and emotional development, communication and physical skills, independance and creativity are top priorities at Oak House Nursery.
An enabling environment plays a key role in supporting children’s learning and development. It is well recognised that children learn and develop best in caring, supportive environments which respond to their individual needs, allowing them to play and explore.
We are commited to ensuring all children are included and to celebrate each childs unique qualities, strengths and differences.

Partnership With Parents/Carers
Oak House Nursery is proud of our caring and attentive staff team and our excellent relationships with parents/carers
Parents are the childs first educators and therefore we believe our partnership with parents is crucial for the mutual benefit of each child.
Parents are encouraged to stay at the initial visits and spend time with their child’s key person .As each child is individual we are flexible with the settling in period we have found that children settle much better when we give them the time to feel secure in their new environment and establish relationships with their key person.
Parents /carers are encouraged to discuss any aspect of their childs care or development with their childs key person ,Nursery Manager /Early Years teacher or Deputy.
We believe two way communication is important for all our childrens wellbeing and development.
Please speak to us if you have any concerns ,worries or have any comments to make as we value your comments .We are happy to receive feedback in order to improve the childcare we provide and inform our self evaluation /improvement plan
“Babies and young children are experiencing and learning in the here and now, not storing up their questions until tomorrow or next week. It is in that moment of curiosity, puzzlement, effort or interest that the skilful adult makes a difference. By using this cycle on a moment-by- moment basis, the adult will be always alert to individual children (observation), always thinking about what it tells us about the child’s thinking (assessment), and always ready to respond by using appropriate strategies at the right moment to support children’s well-being and learning (planning for the next steps of learning ).”
“Playing and Interacting” Government Document
Our Learning Environments
At Oak House Nursery, we aim to provide the best possible environment to nurture your child’s development.
We review our provision in terms of levels of involvement. If an area or a resource is not engaging children in purposeful play, then we remove it or change it.
Areas that deliver the highest levels of involvement are the role play areas, creative area, wooden blocks, sand, water, play dough and small world equipment (including cars and dinosaurs).
With regard to role play, we ensure that there is always a “home corner” (either indoors or outside) as this is what is familiar to the children – this is where they can practise being the adults that they know and in doing so, develop the vital life skill of empathy, Other role play is set up as and when an interest emerges.

Parents /carers are encouraged to discuss any aspect of their childs care or development with their childs key person ,Nursery Manager /Early Years teacher or Deputy.
We believe two way communication is important for all our children’s wellbeing and development.
Please speak to us if you have any concerns, worries or have any comments to make as we value your comments .We are happy to receive feedback in order to improve the childcare we provide and inform our self evaluation /improvement plan.

Our baby room.

Our toddler room.

For 2 and 3 years olds.

The pre-school room.